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Author: Françoise Gouzi

Hamburg Workshop participants on workflows (Aug 2024)

Workflows for Creating, Managing and Archiving Textual Corpora in Under-resourced Languages

The DARIAH Working Groups Research Data Management and Multilingual DH joined their forces this year in a research project financed by the DARIAH Working Groups Funding Call 2023-25 entitled “Creating, Managing and Archiving Textual Corpora in Under-resourced Languages”. In the context of this project, the Working Groups recently organised a workshop which took place both in-person in Hamburg University (28-30 August 2024) and online. The purpose of the workshop was to develop one or more workflow(s) to be published on the Social Sciences & Humanities Open Marketplace – SSHOC. The participants were also invited to submit their workflows in Transformations DARIAH Journal , the first issue of which is dedicated to workflows. The quality of the presentations was really impressive and it became evident that both working groups are sharing overlapping concerns and facing common challenges in creating a managed corpora, for example tools and methods for corpora digitisation, sustainability,...

DARIAH signs the Manifesto on Science as Global Public Good

The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access in Toluca, Mexico (23-27 October 2023) brought the Diamond OA community together in a dialogue between journal editors, organizations, experts, and stakeholders from all continent. This event was organised by Redalyc, UAEMéx, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO, UÓR, ANR, cOAlition S, OPERAS and Science Europe. Some conclusions have emerged and above all, a Manifesto on Science as Global Public Good: Non commercial Open Access ( which main principles are : Universal right Equity, diversity and multilingualism Scholar property and human heritage Recognition and assessment Collaboration Declaring Non commercial Open Access, through its Diamond and Green routes, as scholar property and a via to attain Science as Global Public Good is compulsory. A historically dominant approach in Latin America, the Caribbean, and many other countries from other regions. Having a strong commitment to Open Science has always been important to DARIAH as it brings on collaborative...